
Ghost Of Hoss!

Ghost of Hoss!
-is still around! Did you know that Waylon has released and been involved in (as in playing/singing/producing) somewhat
84 albums and MANY singles? All together he`s involved in a total selling of almost 50 mill. albums! Some of them with the help of other greats like Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson and others. Check out his discography here:

Hoss Curtis!


Hoss RULES!!!

Hi again!
Before I add more stuff about Waylon I`d like to show you my web-site on other projects -mainly for Norwegians thou! It`s a page for many types of counselling. Have a look!
Hoss Curtis!


Hi everyone -any Hossheads around?

How are you?
This is my first written mail to my blog -and I`m excited about it! I`m a great fan of Waylon, and I`m proud to present this blog mainly about him. His influence on the musical industry is bigger than most people know today -I`ll get back to that!

The early years - classic Waylon

Ghost Of Hoss -check out this!

Hoss Curtis!